Investment & General Trading


Investment Opportunities in Oman

Investment in Oman plays a major role in all developing economies; as it drives its dynamic basics of growth, development, and structural changes. Despite the prevailing economic, political and social circumstances at the Omani renaissance in 1970, the intensive programs on investment during the past four decades along with his majesty’s prudential guidelines have been able to transfer the modest oil revenues to a developed economic and social infrastructure, essential for leading sustainable development.
In fact, the Sultanate has the infrastructures that encourage and facilitate national and foreign investment in Oman. Its geographical location overlooks international and regional sea lanes and the existence of Omani ports opens new horizons for investment and free trading. Moreover, the Sultanate is characterized by its stable economy, strong infrastructure, and qualified human resources that guarantee the easiness of investment in Oman. Not to mention the regulations issued to support this open economic direction and to encourage foreign investments, which are gradually increasing by the Sultanate’s engagement in international organizations, international trading organizations, and free trading agreements with Global. Oman seeks to attract foreign investment through a number of incentives